
Freedom of Thought

Celebra⁠t⁠⁠i⁠ng ⁠t⁠he flag on our ann⁠i⁠versary

June 14, 2023

Freedom of Thought

June 14, 2023

One year ago today, we launched Our America to spread the message that our diversity should unite us rather than divide us. After all, we have so much more in common than we may realize.

We’re so grateful for what we’ve accomplished in our first year. Things like:

🤝 Building a community of Hometown Heroes dedicated to making a difference in their own neighborhoods
❤️ Focusing on what we have in common instead of what separates us
🚨 Standing up for safer communities
📗 Telling stories about people who do unifying work
🇺🇲 Celebrating patriotism

All of the values we champion are represented in the American Flag, so it’s only fitting we launched our movement on Flag Day. Our flag is more than the sum of its parts. The red symbolizes valor, the blue stands for vigilance and justice and the white represents purity – and we value all of those attributes. But the flag stands for America. The 13 stripes and 50 stars show how we grew from a group of colonies to one incredible union of states.  

We’re proud of what America is and what it stands for, and the flag is a symbol of the very best this country has to offer. 

Here’s to an incredible first year in the books and a bright future ahead.