VIDEO: Vanessa Faura

February 20, 2025

February 20, 2025

In “Your Story” we celebrate the remarkable stories of everyday Americans from diverse backgrounds — in their own words — helping us to unite communities around a sense of pride in America and what makes America flourish.

Vanessa Faura is a nationally recognized Latina grassroots activist who works to share the Our America message with voters who have been overlooked or taken for granted by political parties.

“I was born in Peru, and when I was nine years old, my family migrated legally to the United States. Like millions of legal immigrants, we didn’t begin our pursuit of the American Dream by breaking the law. We respected America, and we wanted to earn our citizenship.

“Arriving in the Bronx was a culture shock. We moved into a small apartment on the sixth floor of a graffiti-covered building. Life wasn’t easy. My parents worked two jobs each, sacrificing their own comfort to give my siblings and me the chance for a better future. I learned the value of hard work and resilience early on. The American Dream wasn’t something handed to you—it was something you earned through dedication and perseverance.

“At eighteen, I achieved one of my greatest aspirations: I became a United States citizen. It was a moment of immense pride. I remember asking my father which political party I should join, and he responded without hesitation: ‘We’re Hispanics, we vote Democrat.’ At first, I accepted that answer, trusting my father’s wisdom. But as I grew older, I started to ask more questions, and what I discovered changed the trajectory of my life.

“The more I learned about American history, values, and principles, the more I realized that the Democratic Party didn’t represent what I stood for. It was the Republican Party that aligned with my beliefs—faith, family, hard work, and personal responsibility. This realization was a turning point for me, both personally and politically. I came to understand what made America the greatest country on Earth.

“I immersed myself in the story of the United States, learning about our Founding Fathers and their vision. They built a nation founded on the principles of individual freedom, limited government, and the rule of law. These weren’t abstract concepts to me; they were the very reasons why my family had left Peru. We had fled a country where the government’s overreach stifled opportunity and personal freedom. We had come to America seeking something different—something better.

“As a Hispanic daughter, sister, and mother, I hold my values close to my heart. God comes first, followed by family and country. Individual freedoms are precious because the larger the government grows, the smaller the individual becomes. I have seen firsthand what happens when governments become too powerful. That is why so many immigrants like me leave our home countries in search of a place where we can be free to create our own destiny.

“The rule of law is another principle that we deeply respect. Many of us come from nations where laws are either ignored or selectively enforced. We come to America because it is a land where the law applies to everyone, creating stability and opportunity. But over time, I realized that this simple truth is not always effectively communicated to minority communities. Conservatives talk about policies and economics, but they often fail to connect with people on a personal level. Meanwhile, Democrats simplify their message: “We care about you. We support immigrants.” But what does that really mean?

“For many in our community, the Democratic Party’s so-called help comes in the form of government aid—food stamps, welfare, and handouts. But what we truly want is opportunity. We want access to quality education, good jobs, and the chance to build something of our own. No one ever explained to us that conservative policies actually foster these opportunities. That realization struck me deeply, and I knew something needed to change.

“Reaching minority communities requires a different approach. Conservatives must work from the bottom up, engaging directly with people rather than relying on broad political messaging. The Hispanic population is growing rapidly, and whether people arrive legally or not, many will eventually become U.S. citizens and voters. If we fail to communicate our message clearly, we will lose them to a party that does nothing but offer empty promises.

“Living in America is a privilege, but it is not guaranteed. We must understand our country’s history and remember how we got here. We must protect the values that make this nation great—not just for ourselves, but for future generations. If we lose them, we will have nowhere else to go.

“It is up to us to take action. We must get involved, share our stories, and ensure that the next generation understands the true promise of America. Our ancestors fought for freedom, and now it is our responsibility to do the same. The American Dream is not just a myth—it is real, but it requires effort, faith, and commitment to make it a reality.”