
Corey Lea

August 12, 2024

August 12, 2024

“Black people wholesale, blindly voting for ‘our party’  is hurting our communities.

I think the best candidate is the the one who’s going to serve your best interest, regardless of what party they’re in.

If you do it that way, you get rid of the crazies who are pulling our country further and further apart, cuz that’s not America. Our politics should not be at opposite ends of the spectrum.

In part, it will take Black Americans to get into both out-of-control parties to pull them back to the center.

And it’s a real possibility, because the Black middle class is tired of the BS coming from Washington. It’s the haves and have nots and the doggone gap is widening every day. 

We can agree to disagree, but my thing is this, if you will pledge your allegiance to God first and go by his teaching, then you can deal with the silliness of partisan politics.

Instead, you’ve got brothers and sisters who won’t even talk to each other, because one is a Democrat and one is a Republican. And both parties claim to have the values and the morals and the keys to the kingdom, but they don’t act like it. They act like devils every day.

But it’s not just politics dividing our communities.

I believe the economy of Black America is ranked sixth in the world, but a hundred dollars does not last in the black community, from one black business owner to another, more than 2 days.

In fact, if they have beef, Black people will go 16 miles out of the way to keep from doing business with another Black person. 

It sounds harsh, but it’s a reality.

Before we solve the country’s problems, we have to take a hard look in the mirror, because a lot of it comes down to doing business in your own house first. 

You’ll get nowhere if you’re blaming others and not pouring back into your community. You can’t just keep taking and taking, whether it’s from the government or your fellow man.

You know, you ain’t taking none of this money with you to heaven. I ain’t never seen a coffin with a luggage rack.

There are things that you can do to break this curse, and we gotta quit thinking ‘I don’t want to see him get further than me.’

Because if we’re not encouraging those in our own communities to thrive, then we’re going to keep going round and round in circles, simply scraping by when we could be prospering.

And I’m not saying you’ve got to give all your money away, but if y’all don’t, you have to at least share the knowledge you have that helped you “make it out.”

Corey Lea

Murfressboro, TN

Corey has been on the forefront of Equal and Civil Rights for Black farmers and Ranchers since 2000. He’s also been a farmer and rancher for over 25 years and still actively participates in rodeo as a calf roper.