Freedom of Thought

VIDEO: Our Amer⁠i⁠ca Par⁠t⁠ners w⁠i⁠⁠t⁠h Church & C⁠i⁠v⁠i⁠c Groups for Ar⁠i⁠zona S⁠t⁠a⁠t⁠e Cap⁠i⁠⁠t⁠ol Prayer Walk

January 8, 2025

Freedom of Thought

January 8, 2025

Our America is partnering with One Cry Tucson, 4 Tucson, and the Center for Arizona Policy to bring civic-minded Arizonans to the state capitol on Monday, January 13, 2025 to pray for the state leaders. We spoke with Pastor Pat McClanahan of the Tucson Fellowship Bible Church to find out how our Hometown Heroes can participate.

Q: Can you tell us about the event at the Arizona state capitol on January 13?
A: About three years ago, the Center for Arizona Policy in Phoenix began inviting groups like ours to participate in an annual event on the opening day of the state legislative session. This year, around 300 people will join us at 7:00 a.m. to pray at the state capitol, including in the legislative chambers, the judicial branch, and the governor’s office. We pray for God’s guidance, blessing, and favor on their efforts to ensure we live in a healthy republic. This event, sponsored by the Center for Arizona Policy, is a nonpartisan initiative aiming to give the Church a voice in state government.

Q: How is Our America involved in this initiative?
A: Paul Parisi of Our America and I have partnered for years, initially at the local level with city councils, to promote shared values like safe communities, freedom of speech, religious freedom, fair elections, and a thriving economy. With Our America, Paul now trains hundreds of citizen activists on how to engage respectfully in government. We both aim to bridge political divides while focusing on shared values that unite people.

Q: What values guide your efforts?
A: Our focus is on values rooted in Judeo-Christian ethics, such as religious freedom, the sanctity of life, economic prosperity, and unity. These are traditional American values that resonate with most citizens. As Christians, we believe in starting with prayer, which fosters humility and the ability to engage respectfully, even with differing viewpoints.

Q: How can people participate in this event?
A: Information is available on this website. Participants can sign up for a chartered bus trip to the State Capitol for just $10. The trip begins early in the morning and concludes by 1:30 p.m., making it convenient for all.

Q: Why is this event significant, and what do you hope to achieve?
A: This event emphasizes the role of Christians as “salt and light” in society—bringing positivity, truth, and unity. By praying for our leaders, we uphold the values enshrined in our Constitution and Bill of Rights, which have historically guided our nation. Our hope is to encourage dialogue, mutual understanding, and collaboration across different viewpoints while maintaining our convictions.

Q: Any final thoughts on this initiative?
A: The ultimate goal is to build unity around shared values, promote mutual respect, and foster a sense of community. We believe America thrives when individuals from diverse perspectives work together. It all begins with prayer and a commitment to truth and goodwill.

Q: Thank you, Pastor, for sharing your thoughts.
A: My pleasure. Thank you for this opportunity to discuss such an important effort.