
Our Amer⁠i⁠ca Takes A S⁠t⁠and Aga⁠i⁠ns⁠t⁠ D⁠i⁠scr⁠i⁠m⁠i⁠na⁠t⁠⁠i⁠on ⁠i⁠n ⁠t⁠he Educa⁠t⁠⁠i⁠on Sys⁠t⁠em

January 31, 2023

Our America Takes A Stand Against Discrimination in the Education System


January 31, 2023

Recently Our America’s National Director Gabriel Nadales penned a letter blasting the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill for its decision to offer scholarships and programs exclusively based on race.

“As a public institution, your programs and scholarships should benefit everyone in your community, not just a subgroup of the people you serve – these current scholarships fail in that respect.” Gabriel writes in the letter.

Our America is dedicated to fighting for equal opportunity for everyone. As such, the letter and Our America’s efforts attracted the attention of the National Desk which exposed the heat that UNC has been receiving for its exclusionary practices.

“America is a diverse country and that’s really what makes us great. We have to embrace that which brings us together, which is diversity, instead of trying to put up these labels of black, white, brown or what-have-it.” Gabriel told the outlet.

The article was subsequently picked up and ran in 73 local outlets and 26 affiliated TV stations.

You can watch the news clip below.