Safer Streets, Brighter Futures

VIDEO: La⁠t⁠⁠i⁠no & H⁠i⁠span⁠i⁠c Vo⁠t⁠ers Rejec⁠t⁠ Democra⁠t⁠ La⁠t⁠⁠i⁠nX Nonsense: Our Amer⁠i⁠ca on Fox No⁠t⁠⁠i⁠c⁠i⁠as

November 13, 2024

VIDEO: Latino & Hispanic Voters Reject Democrat LatinX Nonsense: Our America on Fox Noticias

Safer Streets, Brighter Futures

November 13, 2024

Fox Noticias: Thank you very much for being here. How do you feel about voting? Is this good news for you as a newly naturalized citizen?

Gabriel Nadales: I went in to vote with my son—he’s nine months old—and it was something I was so happy about. I plan on voting with him until he’s 18 and can do the same. It’s very important for me to teach him this. I’m glad he’ll have the chance to see this, and one day he can vote for a president, too.

Fox Noticias: What do you think President-elect Trump should do with the millions of immigrants already in this country, especially those with violent criminal backgrounds?

Gabriel Nadales: On immigration, it’s really quite simple. The priority should be removing people who have committed violent crimes and then securing the border. Once that’s done, we can discuss what to do with those who are here, who want to be Americans, and who love this country. But first, you have to address crime. Sadly, this is one reason why the Biden administration, including Vice President Harris, struggled to win many Latino votes: they ignored the problem. We see gangs in places like Aurora, Colorado, and Texas, such as Tren de Aragua, committing crimes. Unfortunately, the Democrats ignored this issue.

Fox Noticias: After addressing the criminals, what do you think should happen to the families who came in? What about the children, women, and men who are not criminals but entered illegally?

Gabriel Nadales: That’s a good question. We can’t realistically remove all the millions of undocumented people already here—they’re in cities like New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles. I think many of them should have the opportunity to work, as many already do. A lot of these people feel trapped in places like California. They fear deportation and lack opportunities to travel or build better lives. We need to bring them out of the shadows and make them a part of our culture.

Fox Noticias: How much do you think the economy and Hispanic community were impacted during the Biden-Harris administration?

Gabriel Nadales: Let me tell you, I often talk about something as simple as bread—I’m Mexican, so I love bolillos. When I came to this country, a bolillo was about $0.10. Now it’s anywhere from $0.50 to $1. It may seem small, but this reflects larger economic damage. Many Hispanic families are now paying $100 more each month just to feed their children. That’s one reason many people voted for Trump—they remember the stronger economy from four years ago. This time, many Hispanics shifted their support toward Republicans.

Fox Noticias: Why do you think more Latinos voted Republican this time compared to 2020?

Gabriel Nadales: There are several reasons. First, many believe the economy was stronger under Trump. But the Biden-Harris administration also began pushing ideologies that seemed disconnected from Hispanic issues. For instance, they use terms like “Latinx,” which most Latinos dislike. Many of us don’t even understand the term, but it shows a lack of connection to our community’s values. What we care about are our families, our homes, and the same things every American values. Unfortunately, the Biden-Harris administration doesn’t seem to prioritize these everyday concerns.