Voter Integrity

Jo⁠i⁠n Our Amer⁠i⁠ca for a Mock Sess⁠i⁠on a⁠t⁠ ⁠t⁠he AZ S⁠t⁠a⁠t⁠e House

March 24, 2025

Join Our America for a Mock Session at the AZ State House

Voter Integrity

March 24, 2025

Ever wonder what it’s like to be a member of the Arizona House of Representatives?

We’re joining the Hispanic Liberty Alliance and Padres Unidos to co-host a mock session at the Arizona House on Friday, April 11, from 10:00 AM-12:15 PM

At our event you’ll get to:

-Explore the Arizona State Capitol.
-Sit at the desk of a state legislator.
-Gain valuable insights into the legislative process.
-Meet Arizona House Speaker Rep. Steve Montenegro.

Lunch will also be served but there is limited seating.

Please RSVP by Tuesday April 8th, 2025 to

When you RSVP, please include the names of your attendees, cell phone numbers, emails, and which guests will stay for lunch.

We look forward to seeing you there!