Safer Streets, Brighter Futures

Fearmonger⁠i⁠ng Won’⁠t⁠ Solve ⁠t⁠he Imm⁠i⁠gra⁠t⁠⁠i⁠on Cr⁠i⁠s⁠i⁠s: Our Amer⁠i⁠ca ⁠i⁠n The Cen⁠t⁠er Square

December 4, 2024

Fearmongering Won’t Solve the Immigration Crisis: Our America in The Center Square

Safer Streets, Brighter Futures

December 4, 2024

Our America’s National Director Gabriel Nadales is featured in The Center Square writing, “As an immigrant myself who recently became a U.S. citizen, I believe we have to consider the millions of law-abiding, hard-working people who simply want to give their children a better future by immigrating to America. They are victims of a broken system that makes it nearly impossible to legally enter this country, and whose presence is a net benefit to America.

“But we cannot have a meaningful conversation about these issues until we ensure the safety of all Americans. The border must be secured, and migrant-related crime reduced before we can address the broader immigration problem. The safety of American citizens must come first. Until we recognize that people like Trump, who want to protect American citizens, are not evil or racist, we’ll never reach a fair compromise.

“The conversation surrounding immigration has been tainted for several decades by fear, hyperbole, and division. We must stop allowing ourselves to be manipulated by divisive rhetoric and start working towards practical, fair solutions. Until then, fearmongering will only continue to harm our country.”

Read the full column in The Center Square here.